martes, 31 de mayo de 2011


Background information
To fully understand what is the nursing, which covers and because its being is necessary to know its history, the most influential people on it, who determined it. Is why I chose as the theme to investigate, Virginia Henderson, she, is one of the major theorists, that until today, gives the pattern for the work of the nursing professionals.

Purpose of your research
Through this work, they may report the life of V. Henderson and his dedication to the nursing. As their work affected the history of nursing and understand the vision that she had on what was nursing care, fully understand what their theory and know how to implement today.

Virginia Henderson, compare their ideas with the "Maslow pyramid", to establish the 14 requirements (needs are physiological, security, affection and belonging and self-realization ).

She succeeded in establishing the 14 basic human needs and through their research development methods so that the patient can reach independence and health, could define nursing in functional terms, set your own metaparadigms, incorporates physiological and psychological principles to his personal concept of nursing, she can also define that nursing was one practiced independent of medicine.

Conclusions/implications for further research
In conclusion,with this work, we fully know the life of Virginia Henderson, understand, why is it that even today, some educational institutions use their philosophy and theory, to perform the work as nurses.
Key words
Metaparadigms, nursing, requirements.

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